"Never, you should never make anyone wait so long that the sheer joy and excitement that comes with it vanishes."

- Pinak

"Hey! It is OK to say no to coffee but as I say, never say no to tea."

- Pinak

"Forget that. It does not matter. Our intention matters."

- Ayaan 

"A Map of our destiny…

- Dhrishaan

"Like i always said, Don't worry. Everything will be fine. we will handle this."

- Dhrishaan

“Yes! But now whatever is done is done. It is of no use talking about it anymore. Let us focus on what is going to happen and more importantly, what we have to do next.”

- Ayaan

"Following your passion and doing what you love is the key to success and satisfaction."

- Ayaan

“They are dead, but I still can't see them together.”

- Smokey man

"Nothing will happen to me. You are with me as I have full faith in you." 

- Pinak 

"Every coin has two sides like every story has two perspectives." 


"Remember, when the river is flowing on its way, it is happy because it will go ahead and hug the sea. But that is not the case in our lives, dear. When the river meets the sea, it dies; along with its persona because it is no longer a river then. The river flows on its own because it knows it’s destiny; to be engulfed by the saltiness of the sea after losing its purity.”

- Happy Kaka